Thursday, 25 October 2007

Travels to the West...

As I said on Tuesday, a visit to Dorset was imminent for the following day (Wednesday) to visit my friend in her new abode. Good totravel but what a journey to do in one day; 350 miles there and back. Mrs Brand (pictured above) has spent most of her adult life in Thanet and at 90 years old took the plunge to move into warden assisted accommodation closer to one of her daughters. Over lunch we discussed her taking a visit to Cyprus! We have mutual friends over there andI said why not? Lets make enquiries.
We went for a walk in the local shopping centre and called into the travel agents to make enquiries. Watch this space for further developments on the subject.
Why is it whenever I go on a motoring jaunt the roads seem to be crowded with traffic. I dismally fail to give even approximate journey times wherever I go. I am grateful I don't have to drive anywhere for a living the strain would be tremendous. When I think that not too long ago when my family were young we'd motor to most places and even without M ways get there and back without the hassle experienced with today's high speed motorway network criss crossing the country.

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